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  • Wishing the young couple a huge Mazel Tov and to say how sorry we are but due to Covid restrictions we are unable to be with you.
    We wish you much happiness and joy in your future life together.
    With much love
    Aunt Mym and Lawrence
    London, UK

  • So glad I can join you, at least this way. So sad that I couldn’t be there to dance with you.
    You looked absolutely beautiful this morning and your call deeply appreciated.
    May all my brachot for you and Azariah come to you, and may all your tefillot under the chuppah be fulfilled.
    Mazal Tov.

  • what a lovely wedding! thank you for being abke to participate live . May your lives continue with roses and happiness,אמן
    Denise and JOE many more years of naches with all the generations.
    Esti and Doniel what a zchiya to to have a chatuna in ירושלים.כן ירבו השמחות I hope to be with you for more semachot/ fondly Joan