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  • Mazal-Tov and Kol-Tuv to all the wonderful Neshamot of this great Simcha.
    Many thanks for letting me participate.
    David Rocca, Arizona, USA.

  • My Dearest Talia, I have known you from before you were a twinkle in the eyes of your Mom and Dad. I watched you grow from a curly headed moppet to an incredible young lady. I can not believe how quickly the time has flown (even though I’m a pilot🤣)Daniel, I have not yet met you but you must be a super special soul to have won the heart of this young beauty. Though I can not be physically there with you, I am dancing with joy and wishing you and Kol ha mishpacha a life filled with Great Health, Wealth, Happiness, Light, Love and Simcha🙏 and look forward to meeting and greeting you in the very near future. MAZEL TOV🙌🙌🙌😘😘😘
