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  • Mazel TO from Chattanooga,TN!!! So excited to share this with all of you!!!!

  • Good evening distinguished guests, our dear families, our beloved friends, and everyone who came to rejoice with us in this exciting evening, and to those who are watching us on the livestreams – welcome to the Lahav and Talia Chuppah ceremony.

  • For those who don’t know me, I am Yahel, Lahav’s sister and Talia’s friend. I am really moved excited by the privilege I’ve been given to lead the Chuppah Ceremony of the people I love the most, and I know how significant and important the chuppah is to them.
    Talia and Lahav – look at the wide and diverse crowd that came today especially for you. These are people who love and appreciate you and want to be partners in the most exciting day of your lives. And to you dear audience, to be surrounded by love and joy these days is the best gift one can receive, so thank you everyone who invested the time and came.

  • After debating between holding the wedding on the original date and postponing it, a choice was made by the couple to give room for our fall and pain, and only then to find the right time to rise up and reach the joy of the wedding again.

  • So Dear Guests,
    It is impossible to officiate in a Chuppah Ceremony without telling the story of the couple’s acquaintance. It all started 4 years ago, when Lahav came to stay on Shabbat in Kerem Shalom, where I lived.
    It ended up by Talia and Lahav washing all the dishes of the entire nucleus group after Friday dinner at Talia’s apartment, lots of quality time for the two of them… At the end of Shabbat, Lahav started sniffing around about Talia and noted she was very cute…
    And I, who knows Lahav quite well, immediately understood where he was going with this and already I told him, (in light of the shared history) – Lahav, DON’T!

  • But then Talia appears in my doorway and says she’s joining Lahav on the ride to the Center, and her excited and confused look made it clear to me that maybe it’s not one-sided.

    We will not bore the dear audience with details, but just say that after two months when I asked Lehab what he thought of Talia, the guy responded with a bunch of excuses and said that the geographical distance from Kerem Shalom to Haifa made it impossible.

  • After heavy pressure through a two-and-a-half-hour drive, Lahav relented and agreed to give it a try. So, I thought the hard part has passed, but when I asked Talia what she thought about the concept, she felt it might not be the right time for a relationship.

    Fearing that my plans had failed, I encouraged Talia to try. I told her – My sister, go out with a Lahav – worst That can happen, Rebound!
    And that was it, from that point on everything is history and here we are here with the Bride and Groom!

  • Lahav my beloved brother, you are a bird of a rare breed, a great person, curious, diligent, loving people, a person of words, and of many interests, and of course a devoted and loving family man.

    And you, Talia – our light in the darkness, you are a woman of peace, attentive to the heartbeat of the environment, creative, a quiet leader, a thinking person, and a true friend.

  • Despite Lahav’s nonsense, you chose to stay and even learned to repay him with wit – and for that we appreciate and love you. You are a gift to our family, and as we say – we love you to outer space and back.

    And the Rubinstein family tells me he has become a part of their family and went swimming with Sharon and skateboarding with Haim. And another measure of a successful relationship is how well the families get along!

    From the moment you started writing the song of your life, it was clear to all of us that Lahav became a happier and more complete person, and the relationship brought out such beautiful and diverse sides in Talia.

  • Yehuda Amichai wrote to his beloved Tamar: “Every day of our lives together, the Book of Ecclesiastes erases another line”. This is a beautiful sentence that in my mind exactly embodies your relationship, and not only yourselves, but also the good impact you have on those around you.

    Your constant work on your relationship as a couple that is a part of who you are is inspiring, and the secret to a deep and inclusive connection is your courageous and uncompromising communication despite your differences.

    Continue being good partners to each other, a partnership derived from your way of life – that constant work creates a better reality. And wherever you go, we pray you continue to find “Favor and grace in the eyes of God and Man”.

  • So it’s time to get married – isn’t it! I am honored to invite Rabbi Chuck-Davidson to conduct a chuppah and kiddoshin.

  • Lahav my beloved brother, you are a bird of a rare breed, a great person, curious, diligent, loving people, a person of words, and of many interests, and of course a devoted and loving family man.

  • And you, Talia – our light in the darkness, you are a woman of peace, attentive to the heartbeat of the environment, creative, a quiet leader, a thinking person, and a true friend.

  • Despite Lahav’s nonsense, you chose to stay and even learned to repay him with wit – and for that we appreciate and love you. You are a gift to our family, and as we say – we love you to outer space and back.

    And the Rubinstein family tells me he has become a part of their family and went swimming with Sharon and skateboarding with Haim. And another measure of a successful relationship is how well the families get along!

    From the moment you started writing the song of your life, it was clear to all of us that Lahav became a happier and more complete person, and the relationship brought out such beautiful and diverse sides in Talia.

    They say that a relationship is measured when both parties want the best of each other, and you are the wonderful example of this.

  • Yehuda Amichai wrote to his beloved Tamar: “Every day of our lives together, the Book of Ecclesiastes erases another line”. This is a beautiful sentence that in my mind exactly embodies your relationship, and not only yourselves, but also the good impact you have on those around you.

    Your constant work on your relationship as a couple that is a part of who you are is inspiring, and the secret to a deep and inclusive connection is your courageous and uncompromising communication despite your differences.

  • Continue being good partners to each other, a partnership derived from your way of life – that constant work creates a better reality. And wherever you go, we pray you continue to find “Favor and grace in the eyes of God and Man”.

  • So it’s time to get married – isn’t it! I am honored to invite Rabbi Chuck-Davidson to conduct a chuppah and kiddoshin

  • Congratulations to all the guests – friends, and family members
    Dear Family, dear Parents, Talia and Lahav – lots of MAZAL TOV!
    Before we start with the ceremony, we would like to say a prayer for the soldiers and the security forces, and for the Israeli hostages:

  • Our Father in heaven, protect and redeem Israel, protect the soldiers of the army and the security forces, and your servants, the sheep of your pasture, who are in captivity in Gaza. Bring them home safely soon and send complete healing to all the wounded. Please hear the voice of our prayer, because you hear the prayer of every mouth. Blessed is the one who hears prayer.
    The Lord gives courage to his people. The Lord blesses his people with peace, and we say Amen!

  • And now for the happy part –
    Talia and Lahav, you planned to get married in Parshat Noah, and then the war broke out and reshuffled our cards. And you wisely and sensitively decided to postpone the wedding to a later date. And in the end you chose to get married today, on the holiday of Passover, ISRU CHAG, one day after the seventh of Passover when the great miracle of the splitting of the Red Sea happened.

  • And in my opinion, there is a common message for Parshat Noah and the Passover holiday, an important message for all of us in the middle of the difficult war forced on us. And here it is – Even in times of crisis, and even great crises such as the Flood and being slaves in Egyptian – there is always hope for better times. This is the secret of the people of Israel. Despite all the great challenges and difficulties we have gone through as a people for thousands of years, we have never given up and never lost hope.

  • We always dreamed and aspired to better days. And in my opinion, there is no better expression for the optimism and hope that so characterize our wonderful people starting another home and another family, especially these days.

  • You are about to get married here according to the best tradition, thus shedding light and filling his heart with hope, love, and great joy.

    I wish to bless you, that you are able to build a faithful home in Israel full of love, and that you will only know happiness and joy until 120, together.

    Lahav, you have a new tallit, it’s a big day in your life – a very very happy day. And since the blessing of our life was also determined on the very joy of wedding, I invite you to bless Shehecheyanu together.

  • “Blessed are You, O Lord, our God, Ruler of the Universe, that we have lived and sustained and reached this time.”
    We will open the Cuppah ceremony with two blessings: the first – a blessing on the wine that symbolizes joy. Wine also improves with time just like your love, which with God’s help will continue to improve throughout your life together.

  • We will open the Cuppah ceremony with two blessings: the first – a blessing on the wine that symbolizes joy. Wine also improves with time just like your love, which with God’s help will continue to improve throughout your life together.

    And the second blessing, for the covenant of holiness that you enter into today.

  • Lahav, I invite you to say the betrothal blessing according to the opinion of our great teacher Rambam, and according to the age-old custom of the Yemenis.

  • Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the world, creator of the fruit of the vine.

    Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the world Whom we sanctified by his commandments and enjoined on virginity, and forbid us the brides, and permitted us to marry (for us) by means of a veil and sanctification, Blessed are you, O Lord, who sanctifies his people Israel by means of a covering and sanctification.

  • The Rabbi invites Dvir and Barak to join us as witnesses and Gali and Nitzan who, in addition to the witnesses, have signed the ketubah in honor of the couple.

  • The act of Kiddushin is done with a ring, because the house you build together is another link in the chain of generations of the people of Israel.
    Is that your ring, did you buy it? is it worth more than a penny?

  • By accepting this ring you will become my exclusive spouse according to the customs of Moses and Israel.

  • After Lahab consecrated Talia according to the religion of Moses and Israel, now Talia will give a ring to Lahab as a symbol of love, equality, and reciprocity.

  • Talia and Lahav, before the Chuppah we signed the Ketubah according to our best tradition. The Ketubah comes to say that love is not only a matter of feelings but also of actions. Acts of responsibility, loyalty, and devotion to each other.

  • We have reached the stage of the ceremony in which we all have a part … We will bless here, under the Chuppa, the Seven Blessings, everyone is invited to say Amen to each and every blessing, and this is how we will bless the newlyweds together.

  • I am excited to invite for the first blessing the beloved grandfather Yehiel, grandfather of Lahav: Lahav’s grandfather (Yechiel) – (If he is not able to say the blessing, Lahav’s father Boaz will say the blessing)

  • 1. Blessed are you, Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, who creates the fruit of the vine.

  • For the second blessing, Let’s welcome Lahav’s brother Nativ. Nativ brother of the groom.

    Blessed are you, Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, who created everything for His glory.

  • For the third blessing, I invite Eldad, brother of the Talia. Eldad brother of the bride.

    Blessed are you, Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, who created humanity

  • The fourth blessing will be given by Yair, Lahav’s soul mate from school and soon also Talia’s too. Yair friend of the groom and bride.

    Blessed are you, Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, who created humanity in His image, in the image of the likeness of his form, and made for them an everlasting establishment. Blessed are you, Lord, who created humanity.

  • Fifth blessing is from Shay Alpert, a beloved friend, the one who ran long distances with Talia – sophomore year in prep school and nucleus group of Kerem Shalom. Shay, Friend of the bride and groom.

    May the barren one (Jerusalem) will rejoice greatly and delight in the ingathering of her children within her in joy. Blessed are you Lord who rejoices Zion with her children.

  • For the sixth blessing, I’m thrilled to invite Haim (Howard) the proud father of the bride to bless the sixth blessing. Chaim please.

    The loving partners shall rejoice as You caused your creatures to delight in the Garden of Eden. Blessed are you Lord who causes the groom and bride to rejoice.

  • For the seventh and final blessing, we welcome Zahra, Talia’s beloved sister, whose relationship proceeds them. Zahara, sister of the bride

    Blessed are you, Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe, who creates happiness and joy, groom and bride. Exultation, delight, amusement, and pleasure, love and brotherhood, peace, and friendship. Soon, Lord our God, may the sound of happiness and the sound of joy and the voice of the groom and the voice of the bride be heard in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem — the rejoicing of groom from their huppahs and youths from their singing banquets. Blessed are you Lord who makes the groom rejoice with the bride

  • The word creates a world. I am happy to invite the couple to say their words to each other.

  • It seems impossible to me to reduce the entire ocean that is the essence of our love to only half a page, so I decided to use the words of Leah Goldberg who knew better than all of us how to distill the world into a few lines:

  • The stream sings to the stone
    I kissed the stone in the chill of its dream,
    for I am the song, and she is the silence,
    Because she is the riddle and I am the sharp one,
    Because we both pinched from one eternity.
    I am the transient and she is the existing,
    She is the secrets of creation, and I – their revelations.
    And I knew that I touched a secret heart:
    I am the poet and she is the world.

  • Lahavi, it’s no secret that our movement in this world is sometimes different. Might even be the opposite. Sometimes I’m the stream, sometimes you’re the stone. Sometimes the other way around.

  • But when we are together, this movement became a dance of passion. We learned to allow differences, and we let imagination, polish each of us, to highlight the uniqueness in you and me, and to grow our love.

  • I am constantly amazed at how much I learn from you. I am learning to dare, to listen, to see art in electrochemistry, to dance with all my heart, and also to nudge with all my heart.

  • When I went back and read what I wrote for the Cheshvan planned wedding, I saw that I mainly wrote that you teach me to believe. It was a thing – that in our mixed relationship, you are the one who teaches me what faith is.

  • Today, 6 months later and through the horrors of war, I know that we learned to believe together. To believe in human beings, in the world, in goodness, in love and in ourselves.

  • I wish for us, that we continue to create and choose this faith every day anew.
    I wish that we know how to continue learning, correct each other, communicate truly and powerfully, and discover our movement together and separated.
    I am SO excited to choose you today, to be my partner in this life, partner in this world and everything given to us in it. I believe in us, because I know that we both have been formed by one eternity.
    I love you so much.

  • My Talia, my love. it’s so good standing here sharing our love with the world. it was not easy but for you, I will go through this again. your courage and way with people. and you bring these beautiful moments into my life.
    yes, we have different points of view.
    I will receive it.
    Tell me if I bother… you said. You don’t just butter… you shake my entire world. My Love!

  • Talia and Lahav, we end the Chupah Ceremony by breaking a glass…
    To remember the destruction of our Temple 2000 years ago even on the happiest day of our lives…
    And to remind ourselves, that the world is made up of both whole parts and broken parts.
    And we must, each and every one of us, build a more complete world.

  • If I forget thee Jerusalem, let my right hand be forgotten, let my tongue stick to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember thee, if I do not prefer Jerusalem above my chief joy.”

    Mazal Tov!
